For many women, a hairstyle isn’t complete until they’ve slicked down their fragile baby hairs (i.e., hair edges). And it's true; styling your edges adds a bit of extra oomph to your look.
But what happens when your hairstyling routine has left your hairline looking thin, dry, and patchy? How long does it take for edges to grow back? This article will discuss how stimulate hair growth and repair those thinning edges.
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How Long Does It Take for Edges to Grow Back?
Human hair grows at an average of half an inch per month, although some individuals may have hair that grows faster or slower.
So, depending on the severity and cause of your hair loss, you should start to see new growth within six or eight weeks. However, it may take up to three months for your edges to grow back completely.
What Causes Your Edges to Thin?
Thin edges are typically the result of over-manipulation and putting too much stress on your hairline. Your edges are one of the most fragile parts of your hair, and hairstyles like ponytails, buns, and braids put a lot of tension on your edges.
And thinning edges aren’t just caused by hairstyles (e.g., tight braids).
Silk scarfs, bonnets, and hats can damage your hairline if they don’t fit well. Another reason edges thin out is that some people don’t pamper their edges as much as they do the rest of their hair.
The reasons for this vary and range from concern over breakouts to simply forgetting. Either way, edges are often overlooked. So regardless of whether you’re applying conditioner or hair moisturizer, don’t forget to use the product on your hairline as well.
Does Laying Your Edges Damage Your Hair?
While occasionally laying your edges is fine, doing it multiple times a week can result in damage and hair loss. One reason for this is that most edge control products are made with alcohol.
Alcohols are harsh chemicals that can dry out your hair and make it more brittle.
Additionally, the act of brushing, combing, and swooping your edges can lead to hair breakage. As you may notice, the damage risk hinges entirely on the technique and products you use to do it. And fortunately, there is a way to do it safely.
How to Lay Your Edges Without Damaging Them
There’s no doubt about it; smooth, laid edges can elevate an otherwise simple look. However, it can also lead to buildup, breakage, and hair loss.
So, in this section, we’ll provide clear, step-by-step instructions on how to minimize damage and still get beautifully laid edges.
Prep the Area
The first step to laying your edges is to moisten them with warm water. That will make the hair easier to style and shape and give you more control over the final look.
Once your hair is moist, apply the recommended amount of edge control.
Keep in mind that many edge control products contain harsh, drying ingredients. So, swap it out for a gentler alternative if you'd like. In addition to gel and edge control, you can use:
Lay Your Edges
Use a small brush (i.e., edge brush or toothbrush) to gather and style your edges. If you’re using an old toothbrush, pick one that has soft to medium bristles.
You should also try to do just one pass on each area, as repeatedly brushing your edges can cause breakage.
Once you’re satisfied with the shape, tie a silk scarf around your hairline. That will flatten and set your edges and prevent the need for damaging touchups later.
Remove Your Gel
Because edge control can be drying, it's a good idea to remove it before you go to sleep. That will also give you a fresh, clean base to work on if you want to style your edges later in the week.
While washing your hair is the best way to do this, there’s an easier, faster way.
Simply spray your hairline with warm water to loosen the dried product. Then, carefully brush through your hair to remove the excess gel.
Spritz your edges with water again, and apply a moisturizing cream. This step will replenish your hair’s moisture and help ensure your edges stay healthy.
How to Grow Your Edges Back
Growing your edges back can be a lengthy process. Fortunately, there are a few simple ways to speed things up. Here are some of our top tips for growing your edges back.
Switch up Your Hair Styling Routine
Growing your edges back is a two-step process. In addition to encouraging hair growth, you also want to prevent your edges from thinning out further.
So, avoid tight, pulled-back hairstyles (e.g., tight braids and ponytails).
Instead, try to leave your edges in their natural state without disrupting them too much. You also want to limit your use of harsh, drying styling products. Take a break from alcohol-based edge control and opt for more wholesome alternatives.
Reevaluate Your Hair Accessories
While protecting your hair at night is essential to any haircare routine, doing it incorrectly will do more harm than good. For example, some bonnets have an exposed elastic band around their perimeter.
That band can be highly damaging to your hairline.
So, bring the bonnet down over your edges or switch to a gentler method of protecting your hair at night, like a silk scarf.
Either way, you want to ensure that your sleepwear is breathable, non-absorbent, and doesn’t put too much tension on your hairline.
Keep in mind that this isn’t limited to sleepwear. You should also ensure that your hats, scarves, headbands, and other hair accessories are well-fitting and non-drying.
Massage Your Hairline
Are you looking for an easy, chemical-free way to boost your hair growth? Scalp massages are one of the most effective ways to promote hair growth, and get thicker, healthier strands.
Regular massages help encourage blood and oxygen flow in your scalp, which is necessary for optimal hair growth.
Want to give it a try?
First, apply a small amount of hair-healthy oil to your fingertips. Gently press the pads of your fingers into your hairline and slowly move them in a circular motion.
Make sure you’re applying enough pressure to the area. The goal is to manipulate your skin rather than the hair itself. Move around your hairline until you’ve thoroughly massaged each section.
Improve Your Diet
Eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet is one of the most instrumental and overlooked aspects of regrowing your hair. In order for your scalp to produce new, healthy strands, you’ll need to equip it with all the necessary raw materials.
So, avoid highly processed, sugary, and fatty foods.
Instead, incorporate more fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds into your diet. You should also eat high-quality proteins and drink plenty of water. You’d be surprised at the difference you’ll see in your hair after changing your eating habits.
- How to Style Baby Hairs White Girl
- How to Grow Out Baby Hairs on Hairline
- Best Edge Control for Low Porosity Hair
When it comes to growing back your edges, the most important thing is to address what caused them to thin out in the first place. Otherwise, the damage will continue happening, and you might lose your hair permanently.
The good news is that once you make the necessary changes, your edges should make their reappearance before long.
We hope this article has provided you with all the tools you need to grow your edges back, and we wish you the best of luck in your haircare journey!