Most people know that getting a trim is excellent for their locks. But when you’re growing your hair out, the idea of losing that hard-earned length can send a shiver down your spine.
So, just how much hair is cut off in a trim? This article will help you determine how much hair is cut off when you get a trim. We’ll also spend some time answering all of your other trim-related questions, so make sure you keep reading!
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How Much Hair Is Cut Off in a Trim
In most cases, a trim is a health-related haircut in which the ends of your hair are cut to remove damage. Unlike regular haircuts, trims don’t change the overall shape of your hair.
The amount of hair cut off during a trim varies, depending on your preferences and how severe your damage is. On average, trims remove from a quarter of an inch to an inch from the ends of your hair. If you have severe damage, you may end up having to get two or more inches removed.
Signs Your Hair Needs a Trim
Have you been having hair troubles lately? If so, there’s a good chance that your hair is in desperate need of a trim. Addressing damage as soon as you see it will help prevent it from getting worse.
Here are some signs that it's time to schedule a trim.
Your Hair Is Tangling More Easily
Damaged hair has a rough, porous surface. As your strands rub up against one another, they get caught and form knots and tangles.
And the more damaged your hair is, the more severe your tangles will be.
The good news is that removing your dry, porous ends will reduce the number of tangles you encounter and make brushing or combing your hair much more manageable.
Your Hair Is Flat and Limp
The more damaged your hair is, the less full and voluminous it’ll appear. So, a sudden decrease in your hair's volume is likely a sign that your hair is damaged. A trim will get rid of the most damaged portion and help restore your hair’s body.
Your Hair Is Stuck at the Same Length
Does it feel like your hair has stopped growing? The good news is that your hair is probably still growing like normal. The bad news is that it could be a symptom of severe breakage.
As your hair breaks off, it’ll get gradually shorter. When this happens at the same rate that your hair grows, it’ll feel like your hair growth has been put on pause.
You See an Increase in Split Ends
When the ends of your hair become dry and brittle, they start to split and fray. One strand will split into two or more parts, similar to an unraveled rope.
Despite the claims of some popular hair products, you can’t mend or repair split ends. Instead, you’ll have to cut them off before they have the chance to travel upwards.
You’re Coming Across More Single-Strand Knots
Single-strand knots, also called fairy knots, occur when a single strand loops around itself and forms a small, impossible-to-remove knot.
They’re usually found in curly hair textures due to the strand’s corkscrew shape. Unfortunately, single-strand knots are so tiny, and tight there’s no way to undo them. You’ll have to cut the knot out.
You Can’t Remember When Your Last Trim Was
Regular trims are an integral part of any healthy haircare routine. Even if your ends look like they’re in good shape, there might be damage under the surface. Trims keep your hair healthy in the long term, so make sure you’re getting them regularly.
Your Ponytail Tapers Off
As the oldest parts of your hair, your ends are typically thinner and weaker than the rest of your hair. As a result, your hair naturally thins out toward the bottom of your hair.
But if the ends of your braids, twists, or ponytail look drastically thinner than the mid-lengths, you probably need a trim. Ideally, you should start the trim right where your hair starts to thin.
What Are the Benefits of Hair Trims?
The main benefit of getting trims is that they keep your hair healthy. They leave your strands smoother, stronger, more manageable, and even more voluminous.
And since you won’t have to deal with rough, easily tangled ends, styling and caring for your hair will be quicker than ever. Trims are also preventative and help remove damage before it travels upwards and destroys the rest of your hair.
Do Trims Help Your Hair Grow?
There’s a common misconception about hair trims. Many people think that getting regular trims can help their hair grow. However, this is not the case. Getting your hair cut does not affect how quickly your hair grows.
But it can make it easier to grow out your hair.
Breakage is one of the leading causes of slow-growing strands. If your hair breaks off around the same rate that it grows, your hair will never get longer.
Luckily, trims get rid of damage at the source. They keep your strands strong, which can help you achieve new lengths.
How Often Should You Get a Trim?
Now that you know all the incredible benefits of getting trims, you’re probably wondering how often you need them. Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer.
How frequently you need a trim depends on your hair’s health, texture, and styling routine. For example, straight and wavy locks typically need a trim once every eight to twelve weeks.
Curly hair, on the other hand, should be trimmed every six to eight weeks.
Additionally, the more damaging your hair styling routine is, the more often you’ll need a trim. We’ll look at some factors that can affect how often you need a trim below.
- Chemical and heat styling - Regardless of how safely you go about it, heat styling and chemical processing can wreak havoc on your strands. They dry your hair out and lead to an increase in split ends. Because of the damage, heat-damaged and chemically processed hair must be trimmed more often than virgin strands. Try to get a trim every six to eight weeks to keep your hair healthy and resilient.
- High manipulation styles - Although you may think that hairstyles like braids, buns, and twists are protective, they can lead to damage. The more you have to manipulate and pull on your strands, the more likely they are to break. Even hair accessories, like ponytail holders and bandanas, can suck the moisture out of your hair and lead to breakage. If you’re a fan of high-manipulation hairstyles, try switching things up. Opt for the occasional low manipulation styles instead, or trim your hair more often to help counteract the damage.
- Drying or damaging products - Your hair products are your first line of defense against breakage and dryness. However, using products containing harsh ingredients like sulfates, alcohols, and parabens can exacerbate dryness and increase breakage. Fortunately, you have a few options. You can either trade your current styling products in for more gentle alternatives or get trims more frequently.
So, there you have it! Trims are a type of maintenance haircut that helps keep your hair strong, healthy, and gorgeous.
Although you’ll lose a little length, most trims only take off an inch or two at most.
And don’t worry about going shorter. Once your hair is healthy, you’ll get those inches back in no time. We hope this article has answered all your questions, and we wish you the best with your hair!