While there are hairy people of every ethnicity, some ethnicities are known to be hairier than others. If you've ever wondered which ethnicity is hairiest, this article is for you.
By the end of this article, you will know about the hairiest ethnicities, why they are so hairy, and more.
Table of Contents
*For the purposes of this article, the term "hairiest" refers to the hair's density. By definition, hair density is the number of hairs on the body as a whole. It does not concern the thickness of the hairs.
The Hairiest Ethnicities: What Ethnicity Has the Most Hair?
According to Personal Health via the New York Times, Caucasians are the hairiest ethnic group, with Semitic and Mediterranean people being the hairiest out of all Caucasians.
On the other end of the spectrum are American Indians and Asians, who have the least hair on their bodies out of all ethnicities. All of the other races fall somewhere in between. These claims are echoed by the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
What's interesting is that if you ask random people who they think are the hairiest, they don't usually say "Caucasians" - they often guess Iranians, Indians, or Italians.
Key Takeaways
- Ethnic Variations in Hair Density and Texture. Caucasians generally have the most hair density. Mediterranean and Semitic Caucasians are particularly hairy. Asian hair exhibits different characteristics. Asians typically have the least body hair and the thickest hair shafts.
- Hair Characteristics by Ethnic Groups. Black people are noted for having a considerable amount of facial hair and thick body hair. Caucasians not only have the most body hair but also the most facial hair. The structure and texture of hair vary significantly among ethnic groups. There are distinct differences in hair follicles, hair strands, and hair types.
- Genetics and Hair Growth Patterns. Genetic factors largely influence hair density and texture among different racial groups. This includes variations in hair color, hair structure, and the amount of hair. Individual family members in the same ethnic group can have different hair characteristics.
- Factors Influencing Hair Growth and Loss. Besides genetics, factors like hormonal changes and health conditions affect hair growth patterns. Examples of health conditions are polycystic ovary syndrome and autoimmune diseases like alopecia areata. Certain medications can also affect hair growth patterns. This can lead to excess hair growth or types of hair loss. For example, certain medicines could cause female pattern hair loss and androgenic alopecia.
- Cultural Perceptions and Treatment Options. Cultural and social constructs often influence the perception of hairiness. While some ethnicities might have more or less body hair, societal norms dictate varying attitudes toward hair. Consult a healthcare provider for those concerned about hair loss or excess hair growth. The medical professional can offer insights into treatment options like hair transplant procedures, medication, or lifestyle changes.
Thickest Body Hair
Now that you know which ethnicity is the hairiest overall, let's look at which races have the thickest body hair. According to Researchers at the University of Tokyo, Japanese and Chinese people have the thickest individual hair fibers out of all people. The runner-up for thickest body hair is Black people.
Most Facial Hair
Unsurprisingly, Caucasians have the most facial hair. You may have expected that, considering that they have the most body hair overall.
Black people also have a considerable amount of facial hair. These two races top the list of ethnicities that have the most facial hair. Asians, on the other hand, usually don't have much facial hair at all.
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The Hairiest Man
Interestingly enough, the hairiest man in the world is not a Caucasian man. He's Larry Gomez, AKA "Wolf Man," a Hispanic man living in California.
A shocking 98% of his body is covered in thick hair. However, it has been determined that he suffers from a rare genetic disorder called hypertrichosis, which stimulates the growth of excessive body hair.
Why Do Some Ethnicities Have More Hair? Genetics
Scientists have tackled the question, "Why do some ethnicities have thicker hair than others?" and have come up empty. But, when it comes to an individual's hair density, genetic factors (the opposite of genetic hair loss) are thought to play a sizeable role.
It comes down to several genes that control your hair's thickness and density.
Let it be known that just because hairiness is common in people of your ethnicity doesn't mean that you’ll be hairy. The genetic makeup of your parents and ancestors has a more significant influence on whether you'll be hairy or not.
Why You May Be Hairy
Hairiness is common among people of all races, though certain races have more hairy members than others.
If you are hairy and wondering why that's the case, you'll be surprised to know that hairiness can be caused by more than genetics. Here are some other reasons why you are hairy:
- Your medicine is to blame. Certain medications have the annoying side effect of excessive hair growth. Some of the most common medications that cause unwanted hair growth include anti-seizure drugs or steroids. If you suspect that your medications may be to blame for your hairiness, consult your doctor to see if there's a suitable replacement for that medication.
- There's a problem with your adrenal gland. When your adrenal glands aren't functioning correctly, you may experience sudden hair growth. There are several conditions associated with adrenal issues. We advise that you see a doctor if you're concerned about your hairiness.
- You've gained weight recently. If you've noticed sudden hair growth after putting on a few pounds, the extra weight could be to blame. The problem is that when you gain weight, your testosterone levels may rise and lead to this hair growth. If you are trying to reduce your hair growth, try to lose weight by eating healthy foods and exercising regularly. Once you get the extra weight off, your testosterone levels may go back to normal. Consult a doctor if you have any concerns about your hormones, of course!
- Your hormones are out of whack. Some women who are hairier than others are actually suffering from a condition called hirsutism. It's a condition marked by excessive hair growth, especially where males tend to grow hair, like on the upper lip or chin. Doctors believe that this condition is caused by abnormally high testosterone levels, which are seen in select health conditions.
- You're expecting. Pregnant women often experience excessive hair growth due to the plethora of hormones coursing through their bodies. Unfortunately, many hair-removal treatments haven't been proven safe for pregnant women. So, you can shave the hair off or make peace with it until after you've given birth.
It's essential to see a doctor whenever your notice that you're getting hairy and there's no obvious explanation. Your doctor will run some tests to rule out hormonal and adrenal conditions and other health threats to pinpoint the reason for the excessive hair growth.
They will then draft a plan of treatment. Under medical supervision, you can regain control of your hair growth levels and feel more confident about your body.
Is Hairiness Attractive?
There has been widespread debate surrounding whether hairiness is attractive. Some find a hairy man irresistible, while others find extra hair repulsive, but on the whole, a bit of hair is considered acceptable on a man. Contrarily, when it comes to women, the majority of men prefer their mate hairless.
The Popular Consensus: Less Hair is Better
The trend is tipping toward the hairless side as the media continues to push the Manscaping agenda. Think of how many times you saw a film or an ad featuring a man as hairless as a Sphynx cat - we'll bet you've seen a lot.
This image of an attractive man is now mainstream, convincing men from all walks of life to shave or wax their hair away regularly.
Women, driven by others' preferences or their own, continue to take measures to keep body hair away. Some shave or wax religiously, while others go so far as to use expensive laser treatments to get rid of the hair for good.
Hairiness is Seen as Less Attractive
Judging by the rising popularity of hair removal treatments and the imagery depicted on widespread media, hairiness is not seen as attractive.
Yet, you'll still come across some people who prefer a more natural look without any outside intervention (shaving, waxing, lasering).
Either way, in the spirit of acceptance, we encourage you to embrace your body the way it is, provided there isn't a medical condition causing you to be abnormally hairy.
If you've had enough of your hair and want to get rid of it, you have the following options:
- Shave
- Use hair removal lotion
- Try a laser hair removal
- Hair Electrolysis
- Get your facial hair threaded
- Try a prescription cream
See a dermatologist to talk through these options and find the one that’s best for you.
- How to Get Rid of Leg Hair
- Hair Grows Uneven
- Get Rid of Armpit Hair Without Shaving or Waxing
- Hair Growing Faster Than Normal
Now you know some interesting information about different ethnicities and how hairy they are. You also know some of the most common drivers of hairiness, including genetics and hormonal imbalances.
We hope that this article has given you the information you need, whether you were curious about which races are hairiest/least hairy, why you may be so hairy, or whether hairiness is attractive.