Do you have lopsided tresses? We know how frustrating it can be.
Identifying the cause of irregular hair growth is the first step in correcting it, so you’re on the right track. In this article, we’ll shine some light on the reasons why your hair is growing uneven and give you all the information you need to fix it.
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Why Does My Hair Grow Uneven?
Your hair will often grow unevenly due to four primary reasons: genetics, stress, breakage, and whether you're right or left-handed. Hair that grows at varying rates in different sections of your head can make styling feel like an uphill battle.
In the next section, we provide you with a detailed explanation of how these four reasons can cause your hair to grow unevenly and how to stimulate hair growth.
Key Takeaways
- Causes of Uneven Hair Growth. Uneven hair growth, including an uneven hairline, can be caused by genetics, stress, and hair breakage. Hormonal imbalances and medical conditions may also play a role.
- Impact of Hair Type and Care. Different hair types and textures, like thick hair strands, grow at different rates. Implement regular trims and avoid bad hair care practices for healthy hair growth.
- Hair Growth Cycles and Phases. Understanding hair growth cycles, including the anagen and catagen phases, is crucial. These cycles influence hair length and health across different parts of your hair.
- Natural Remedies and Treatments. Scalp massages can improve blood circulation and promote new hair growth. You can use these techniques on thinner hair areas. Also, consider using hair oils, like rosemary oil, and hair masks within your regimen.
- Lifestyle and Routine Adjustments. Minimize stress, eat a healthy diet, and wear protective styles to fix uneven hair growth. Consulting a medical professional is the best way to get targeted advice and treatment for specific conditions.
Keep reading to learn more about why your hair grows uneven.
1. Genetics
Sometimes, uneven hair is simply a result of genetics. For many people, the hair grows faster in certain parts of their scalp.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple solution for fixing hair that naturally grows unevenly, but you can minimize the disparity in length through styling and hair care.
Length differences aren’t always caused by an unbalanced growth rate. Other factors that can contribute to uneven hair locks are variations in:
- How tight or loose your curl pattern is
- The density of your strands
- Your hair porosity
2. Stress
Stress can have disastrous effects on your health and appearance. High levels of sustained stress can even have unpredictable effects on your hair growth.
It releases hormones that can force some portions of your hair into a period of inactivity or loss. These effects are usually temporary and subside once you bring your stress levels down to a more manageable level.
3. Hair Breakage
One of the most common causes of irregular hair length is breakage. Breakage may make it appear like your hair is growing unevenly.
In reality, the difference in length is caused by portions of your hair breaking off as quickly as they grow. The reasons behind this vary and can result from physical or chemical damage.
4. You’re Right or Left-Handed
While it may sound strange, your dominant hand might be behind your uneven tresses. When you shampoo or massage your scalp, the repetitive motion helps increase blood flow to the area.
The increase in circulation feeds your hair follicles, which promotes growth.
Additionally, you might subconsciously neglect the opposite side due to how awkward using your nondominant hand feels. If the lengthier portion of your hair correlates to your dominant hand, pay close attention to how you treat that side of your head.
Determine whether or not you favor it and try to compensate by focusing on the other areas of your scalp. Work on training your non-dominant hand so you can start caring for both sides of your head equally.
Is It Normal for Hair to Grow Uneven on Each Side?
Hair that grows unevenly might or might not be normal, depending on the underlying cause. It is perfectly normal to have hair that grows unevenly on different sides of your head, as most people's bodies are not perfectly symmetrical.
However, uneven growth might also signify that you need to make lifestyle changes like minimizing stress or tweaking your haircare habits.
How to Fix Uneven Hair
Now that you know some of the potential causes behind your asymmetrical locks, you’re probably left wondering how to address them. That’s why we’ve provided you with this list of tips that will help you fix your uneven hair and balance things out.
Cover Your Hair Before You Go Outside
If you notice that the hair at your crown is shorter than the rest of your hair, the sun might be to blame. As the highest point of your body, your crown absorbs the bulk of the sun’s rays.
Like the rest of your skin, your scalp is sensitive to harsh UV rays and may burn due to overexposure. Additionally, sunlight can weaken your strands and cause increased breakage.
Putting on a scarf or hat will help cut down on sun-related damage. Alternatively, you can also apply a product that contains SPF or UV blockers to your hair and scalp to block the harmful effects of the sun.
Wear Simple Hairstyles
Repeatedly pulling your hair into a tight style may cause hair loss or extreme breakage in one or a few areas of your head. That is especially true for anyone who tends to wear their hair the same way every day.
Opt for low-manipulation hairstyles instead of tight or intricate styles to prevent this from happening. Taking a break from styling will also give you some insight into whether or not styling is behind your uneven strands.
Get a Trim or Haircut
A good trim or haircut will instantly even out irregular strands and give you a clean slate for new growth.
In addition to making your hair all one length, a haircut halts damage in its tracks and prevents it from climbing up your hair shaft and destroying the entire strand. To retain length in hair that is severely uneven, consider getting an asymmetrical cut.
Improve Your Haircare Routine
A healthy hair routine will help your hair grow longer, fuller, and more evenly. If you aren’t ready to jump into a total routine change, start by making small steps.
As the differences become second nature, they’ll be easier to maintain in the future. A healthy hair routine focuses on:
- Striking the right moisture protein balance
- Preventing damage and breakage
- Getting all the nutrients your hair and scalp need
- Protecting your strands while you sleep
Target the Weaker Side of Your Hair
While a healthy hair routine will benefit all of your strands, babying the shorter portion of your hair will allow it to catch up to the rest of your hair.
Some changes you can make are to set your heat tools to a lower temperature setting when styling the weaker part of your hair or to spend extra time massaging that side of your scalp.
You might also want to start applying heavier-duty products to the weaker side of your hair. While you might be tempted to treat all of your hair the same way, try to pamper the shorter areas.
The more time you spend caring for your struggling side, the more likely it will catch up to the rest of your strands.
Try a Protective Style
Long-term protective styles, like braids and sew-ins, keep your strands tucked away out of sight and protect your fragile ends without you having to sacrifice style.
In addition to hiding your uneven hair while it grows out, protective styles cut down on styling and environmental damage. After you take your hair down, assess the new length of your hair and see if it looks like it is now growing at a more uniform rate.
When to Consult a Professional
While uneven hair growth can be a temporary result of minor problems in your hair care or styling routine, it may occasionally signify a severe underlying condition.
Reach out to a medical professional or hairstylist if the difference in length is extreme or can’t be attributed to your routine. They will be able to identify the root cause of your irregular hair growth so it can be treated.
Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to our FAQ section on uneven hair growth. We answer your common questions about why hair grows unevenly and how to manage it effectively.
Why Does My Hair Grow Different on One Side?
Hair growing differently on one side is often due to a combination of factors. Genetic predispositions and differences in hair growth cycles are common causes. Daily habits and styling practices also influence it. Factors like sleeping on one side, the way you comb or style your hair and even blood supply to the scalp can cause hair to grow faster or thicker on one side.
How Do You Fix Uneven Hair Growth?
To fix uneven hair growth, start with regular scalp massages to promote blood circulation. Scalp massages can also stimulate more uniform hair growth. Consistently use good hair care practices. For example, incorporate hair masks into your regimen and don't use practices that cause split ends or breakage. Sometimes, you may need to trim the hair to even out the length. Also, hair extensions can provide a temporary solution while your hair grows back evenly.
What Does It Mean When Your Hair Grows Uneven?
Uneven hair growth often indicates a disparity in the hair growth cycle or health between different parts of the scalp. This disparity can be due to various reasons. Examples include hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, or the anagen and catagen phases of the hair growth cycle. Uneven growth could also indicate underlying health issues or damage from your hair regimen.
Does Uneven Hair Grow Back Even?
Uneven hair can grow back even, but it largely depends on addressing the underlying cause of the uneven growth. Consistent and proper hair care can encourage more uniform growth. For example, you can include scalp massages and avoid harmful practices within your regimen. It's also important to understand that hair growth rates vary by person. Consequently, achieving even growth might not always be possible.
How Do I Fix My Hair Growth Direction?
Fixing the direction of hair growth can be challenging as the angle of the hair follicle largely determines it. However, regular styling techniques, such as brushing or combing in the desired direction, can help over time. Using styling products can also temporarily alter the direction of hair growth. It's essential to approach this gently to avoid damaging the hair.
Why Does My Baby's Hair Grow Uneven?
Uneven hair growth in babies is common and usually not a cause for concern. It can be due to their sleeping position, which can apply pressure to certain areas of the scalp. Natural variations in their hair growth cycles and follicle development can also be causes. As babies grow and become more mobile, their hair growth becomes more even.
- Why Does My Hair Curl Inwards?
- How to Fix Uneven Hair
- How Long Does It Take to Grow Out Natural Hair
- Why Is My Hair Curly and Straight
To sum things up, uneven strands can be natural, a symptom of a more significant issue, or a sign that it’s time to change your haircare routine.
In many cases, uneven hair is fixable as long as you’re willing to put in the work and make the necessary changes. We hope this article has helped you identify the cause of your irregular hair growth and given you the tools to address it.